Usage of College Facilities
Overview: WCC makes its facilities available to non-profit groups and government agencies for meetings, seminars, and training events based on the college's established policies. The college does not rent its facilities. Also, due to limited staffing personnel, WCC cannot offer the same amenities as other facilities that rent to the public for similar events. That stated, WCC welcomes non-profit and government agencies who are seeking the use of campus facilities for approved purposes. Please note that WCC's classes and college-related events take precedence when assigning rooms and meeting spaces for outside groups. Also, non-WCC groups may be required to provide their own security for events held on campus.
Representatives of community and governmental agencies wishing to request the use of WCC facilities should contact:
Jennifer Groseclose at (276) 223-4828 (
Usage of College Equipment
General Information
Non-College Groups (External)
Wytheville Community College has a variety of equipment which may be used in conjunction with its facilities. Audio-visual equipment can be scheduled at the time facility arrangements are made. Business machines, laboratory equipment, machine shop equipment, maintenance tools and equipment, the offset press, and office copiers are not available for usage by the public. A commercial copier is available for public use in the library during hours of operation.
College-owned equipment, other than those items precluded in the previous paragraph, may be made available for use by individuals or groups not related to the college through a special loan procedure. Decisions about equipment & resources for loan will be made by the Facilities Coordinator or designee, or individual with responsibility for the equipment being used as indicated below:
Area | Person Responsible |
Student Services | Renee Thomas (276) 223-4752 |
Financial and Administrative Services | David Dickens (276) 223-4762 |
Workforce, Continuing Education, and Occupational Programs | Roland Hall (276) 223-4724 |
Health Programs | Ewell Vernon (276) 223-4722 |
Transfer and Educational Partnerships | Susan Evans (276) 223-4740 |
Audio-Visual Services | IT/AV Department (276) 223-4835 |
An Audio-Visual Equipment Request Form (See Appendix), which describes the responsibilities of the borrower, will be signed by the person making the request or taking possession of the audio-visual equipment item(s).
Certain equipment will not be loaned to individuals and groups unrelated to the college because of its value, heavy college-related demands, need for supervised usage, or potential liability of the college.
No fees will be charged for approved equipment loans to non-college related individuals and groups unless otherwise indicated. Private/for-profit organizations will be encouraged to make a donation to the WCC Educational Foundation to support the costs of audio-visual services provided by the college.
Use of Audio-Visual Equipment by Private Colleges and Universities
Colleges/universities sponsoring courses at WCC facilities may use college-owned audiovisual equipment. The college/university should arrange for use of audio-visual equipment by direct contact with the WCC Audio-Visual Department. Equipment will be provided based on availability, and a usage fee will be charged. Sponsoring colleges/universities may exercise the option of temporarily locating their own equipment on campus. However, WCC accepts no responsibility for any audio-visual equipment placed on campus by a private college/university.
Off-Campus Use of Audio-Visual Equipment
Audio-visual equipment may be used off campus only by qualified local government, civic, and public institutions. Exceptions for local businesses on certain types of equipment and for certain reasons will be made on a case-by-case basis.
No equipment with an inventory value in excess of $650.00 will be loaned off campus. Only college-related functions will be exempted and only then if equipment is supervised by Audio-Visual Department personnel.
Equipment request forms must be completed for off-campus use of audio-visual equipment. The person making the pickup of equipment and signing the request form will be responsible for the item and any costs, replacement, or repair if the item is damaged, lost, or stolen. Responsibility for the item is transferred to the requestor upon pickup and is not released until the item is properly checked back into the Audio-Visual Department.
Items for off-campus use must be requested directly from the Audio-Visual Supervisor and picked up in the Audio-Visual Department only, weekdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., when the college is in operation.